Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60776034) and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2015-0214.XY.K).
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60776034) and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2015-0214.XY.K).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60776034) and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2015-0214.XY.K).
The instantaneous reversible soft logic upset induced by the electromagnetic interference (EMI) severely affects the performances and reliabilities of complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) inverters. This kind of soft logic upset is investigated in theory and simulation. Physics-based analysis is performed, and the result shows that the upset is caused by the non-equilibrium carrier accumulation in channels, which can ultimately lead to an abnormal turn-on of specific metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) in CMOS inverter. Then a soft logic upset simulation model is introduced. Using this model, analysis of upset characteristic reveals an increasing susceptibility under higher injection powers, which accords well with experimental results, and the influences of EMI frequency and device size are studied respectively using the same model. The research indicates that in a range from L waveband to C waveband, lower interference frequency and smaller device size are more likely to be affected by the soft logic upset.
The complexity of the electromagnetic environment today puts the performance and reliability of CMOS integrated circuits to the test. A typical instance is the electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by high-power microwave (HPM) sources, which can couple into electronic systems easily through the front-door (such as antennas of receiver) and back-door (such as apertures on shell, interconnected wires and power cables) paths.[1–7] Different kinds of EMIs have dissimilar influences on the CMOS integrated circuits, from bit error (commonly seen in digital transmission) to catastrophic overheat structural damage.[8–11] The bit error is more noticeable for its higher unpredictability and lower triggering threshold than the permanent damage. Hence, the study on EMI induced bit error in CMOS integrated circuits is of great importance.
For CMOS inverters, device logic upset is a main reason to cause the circuit bit error. Considerable research efforts have been devoted to the parasitic latch-up effect evoked logic upset under EMI, we call it hard logic upset here.[12–17] By triggering a positive feedback in the parasitic PNPN structure, the latch-up effect can cause a non-reversible upset in CMOS inverter until a power-down. Nevertheless, investigations on soft logic upset — an instantaneous reversible upset with no apparent latch-up effect happening — focused only on experimental phenomena. Kim et al. revealed experimental results of 0.5 μm and 1.5 μm technology CMOS inverters injected by EMIs in a range from 0 dBm to 24 dBm, and using a proposed experimental parameter extraction method, critical soft logic upset was observed through the degeneration of static and dynamic characteristics.[18,19] Wang et al. also reported the experimental results inadvertently in investigating the latch-up threshold of commercial CMOS inverters, more specifically, the soft logic upset can exactly be found in the results under the latch-up threshold.[20] As for the explanation of physical mechanism, Iliadis et al. proposed a modified output current expression to illustrate the EMI induced soft and hard logic upsets in individual MOSFETs and cascaded inverters.[21,22] In simulation studies, Wang et al. established a simulation program with the integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) model to predict two kinds of logic upsets (hard and soft) in CMOS inverters, which matched well with experimental results.[23] From the above, it can be noted that little attention has been paid to the specialized mechanism explanation for soft logic upset in CMOS inverters. Moreover, a physics-based simulation model is also crucial in understanding the soft logic upset.
In this work, physical mechanism analysis of EMI induced soft logic upset in CMOS inverters is presented specifically, and the upset is attributed to an incomplete recombination caused non-equilibrium accumulation. Moreover, a soft logic upset simulation model that consists of a device numerical simulation part, an output digital filter part and a simulation static parameter extraction part, is proposed. Using this model, investigations on the soft logic upset influenced by the EMI injection power, the interference frequency and the device size are conducted, and the results are well supported by the reported experiments.
A typical three-dimensional n-well CMOS inverter structure studied in this work is shown in Fig.
The latch-up effect is considered to be one of the upset mechanisms in CMOS inverters.[12–17] However, when the EMI is not severe enough to trigger the latch-up, the interference on CMOS inverters will induce a real-time soft logic upset. To thoroughly understand the physical mechanism of this upset, we begin with the semiconductor continuity equation in CMOS inverter under the thermal equilibrium state
In practical applications, CMOS inverter often works in the state that one of the MOSFETs is on and the other is off. So here we illustrate a condition that Vin = 3.3 V (input logic high) to help analyze the EMI process. In this circumstance, non-equilibrium carriers are evoked in both positive channel metal–oxide–semiconductor (PMOS) and negative channel metal–oxide–semiconductor (NMOS) substrates and then swept into the channels to influence the conductive character of the device. In the NMOS part of the inverter, the existence of the inherent inversion channel current cannot obviously change its conductivity when the non-equilibrium electrons arrive at the channel. In the PMOS part, an extra channel current is generated by the non-equilibrium holes and becomes the main reason to induce the soft logic upset. A schematic diagram of a whole interfering period at PMOS when Vin = 3.3 V can be seen in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the generation and transportation of non-equilibrium carriers in inverter’s PMOS during a whole interference period. |
Considering no direct injection of non-equilibrium carriers occurring during the soft logic upset (because no oxide breakdown happens), the generation of non-equilibrium carriers is attributed to the change of the electron–hole recombination probability r. As is well known, the generation and recombination happen constantly in a doped semiconductor. When the EMI appears, part of generated carriers are swept away (along or against the field direction) before their recombination, leading the electron hole recombination probability r to decrease. The recombination probability change in PMOS can be expressed as follows:
Similarly, when Vdd = 0 V, the soft logic upset is mainly determined by the interference in the NMOS channel, the extra channel current Iextra-n can be calculated from
The voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) curve under EMI induced soft logic upset is revealed in principle in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Numerical simulation output voltages varying with time under 3 dBm to 32 dBm EMI Vin = 3.3 V (a) and 0.0 V (b). |
The jumping interference output voltages in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Upset logic output voltages in (a) experiments reported in Ref. [20], (b) simulations after using the digital filter module. |
Mechanism explanation in Subsection
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Curves of ΔV and interference extra channel current density Jextra-n and Jextra-p versus injected interference power. |
The experimentally measurable parameter ΔV describes the soft logic upset conveniently. However, to comprehensively measure the device situation under soft logic upset, an extraction of the voltage transfer characteristic is helpful. To achieve this, a carrier equivalent simulation method is used in this work. Based on above-mentioned study, 5 groups of data (Npn, T) (Here, Npn (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is the peak doping concentration and T is the thickness of the interference extra carrier layer.) are collected in numerical simulation results at the positions that make the channel 5 equal parts, the collecting time points are the ends of the first and third parts of one interference cycle. Then the equivalent interference carrier doping concentration Cs is given as
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Variations of equivalent interference carrier doping concentration Cs and average channel depth T with injection voltage increasing. |
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) Comparisons of EMI-induced inverter’s VTC degradation between (a) simulation results and (b) experimental results reported in Ref. [19]. |
To verify the simulation model more comprehensively, experiments can be setup as shown in Fig.
Considering the high complexity of the intentional electromagnetic environments, investigation on the influence of EMI frequency on the soft logic upset is valuable. Using the proposed parameter ΔV, we simulate L-to-C waveband EMI induced soft logic upset in CMOS inverter. Figure
![]() | Fig. 11. (color online) Simulation results of (left) output ΔV and (right) experimental results of output voltage reported in Ref. [20] under EMI at frequencies ranging from 1 GHz to 5 GHz. |
Based on the mechanism explanation in Subsection
Investigation on the dependence between the device size and soft logic upset is conducted here. Half of size simulation device is established, compared with the primary CMOS inverter structure mentioned in Subsection
Theoretical analysis concentrating on the EMI induced soft logic upset in CMOS inverters is presented. The upset is directly caused by an abnormal turn on of the specific MOSFET in single inverter, and furthermore, the unusual inverse channel is formed by an incomplete recombination caused non-equilibrium accumulation under the effect of the interference field. Based on the semiconductor basic equations, the upset extra channel current Iextra is obtained, and then the logic output deviation and the static characteristics degradation are calculated using Iextra. These mechanism explanations provide an in-depth understanding of soft logic upset caused CMOS bit error.
In simulation, a soft logic upset simulation model is established and used in the study of EMI power characteristic. First, the device numerical simulation is built to reproduce the physical and electrical characteristics of the CMOS inverter under soft logic upset, and then a digital filter model is used to obtain the soft upset output logic level. And a static parameter extraction method in simulation is proposed to further understand the interference in device performance. The influences on EMI frequency and device size are studied using the same model, concluding that lower frequency of EMI and smaller size of inverter are more susceptible to the EMI induced soft logic upsets. The results are supported by the reported experimental results. The simulation model reduces the cost of experiments and provides a new idea for further studies.
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